Institutional and Social Innovations in Irrigation Mediterranean Management
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Social management of water and hydraulic project of modernization in a valley of the High Atlas in Morocco: Aït Bouguemez

ID : 328
Theme : Institutional

  • Author : BAMOYE K.
  • Year : 2004
  • Language : French
  • Type : Article - paper
  • Source : PCSI Seminar 2004

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To get out the perimeters of Small and Medium Hydraulic (PMH) from their sub-development, the State of Morocco has started an integrated development project. One of the aspects of this project is the modernization of hydraulic networks. This project introduces the Water Users Associations (WUA) marked by a weak implication of agriculteurs, excludes from water acces those who are politically and economically powerless. PCSI seminar 2004 Workshop C - To work common institutions: common good, local management and justice.

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