Institutional and Social Innovations in Irrigation Mediterranean Management
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ISIIMM project: Case studies synthesis - Haouz of Marrakech and Ait Bougmez valley - Morocco (english)

ID : 641
Theme : Case studies

  • Author : Mohammed El Faïz, in collaboration with Mohamed El Gouch and Abdelaziz El Gueroua
  • Year : 2008
  • Language : English
  • Type : Report
  • Source : Agropolis International
  • File size : 2092 ko (2.09 Mo)

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The ISIIMM project has built a considerable amount of knowledge on the approach of institutional and social innovations in irrigation in Morocco. Observations in the field based on the hands-on experience of communities of irrigators, the number of appraisals carried out on different aspects of irrigation, regional and international exchanges, student dissertations, have all contributed to our understanding of the socio-historical, economic and institutional foundations of modern hydroagricultural
structures, and has helped us to place them within the comparative framework of the ISIIMM project’s partner countries.

In line with the goals of this summary, we have decided to present irrigation as the recommended pathway towards agricultural development and to underline its consequences (chapter 1). The two case studies, that of the Haouz of Marrakech (chapter 2) and that of the Aït Bougmez valley (chapter 3) allow us both to confirm the trends recorded on a national scale and to understand local adaptations. The most important institutional innovation of the past two decades stems from the experience gained in the creation of the agricultural water users’ Association (AUEA). How was this experiment carried out in such contrasting landscapes as the plains and mountains? What lessons can we draw from it, not only for Morocco, but also for those partner countries that are bathed in the same water culture?

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ISIIMM project: Case studies synthesis - Haouz of Marrakech and Ait Bougmez valley - Morocco (french) (Report)
ISIIMM project: Case studies synthesis - Haouz of Marrakech and Ait Bougmez valley - Morocco (english) (Report)
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EURO-MEDITERRANEAN Regional Programme for Local Water Management
ME8/AIDCO/2001/0515/59763-P 016
Agropolis, France